Please Cut & Paste items in your bulletin as appropriate to your parish.
The Diocesan Dispatch is usually published on Monday mornings by 8 am via email. Submission must be received by the previous Friday for inclusion and should be at least 2 weeks before an event date in order to have an opportunity to be included in parish bulletins before your event. You can email submissions directly to
NEVER Trust emails that just don't "feel" right!
If you see an email that SEEMS to be from someone you know that is asking for gift cards, or cash, or something that simly reads out of character. Look closely - the email is actually a scam. Don't blindly trust email requests without verifying addresses.EMAIL NOTICES
We often hear from pastors and parishes saying they are not getting emails from us, even when we have a correct address. No Email system is foolproof (Gmail, MSN, Outlook, aol,,, etc.) and your provider may be very aggressively blocking emails from your inbox based on general algorithms. Please remember to check your junk mail regularly to see if emails from our Flocknote system or from or other sources are being inadvertently blocked. You can always use your email system’s rules when this happens to “always accept email from this sender.” Usually that option appears when you “Right Click’ on the email in question with your mouse.
Third Party Usage of Parish Property
As a reminder, any and all third parties who are using Parish property, whether for a fee or not, are required to sign the Catholic Mutual Facility Usage/ Indemnity Agreement and provide proper insurance. (see attached) This agreement provides a level protection from liability by having indemnification language as well as requiring the 3rd party user to provide the parish with general liability coverage, naming the Parish as additional insured, in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence. This policy applies to all third parties that use Parish property. This includes such things as: civic groups, parishioner and non-parishioner families that rent or use parish facilities for wedding receptions, family reunions, anniversary parties or other similar activities; as well as any other organization, municipality or county organization that uses parish facilities for a meeting or function that is non-parish sponsored. Parish ministries or parish affiliated events/groups are generally covered under the Diocesan insurance coverage with Catholic Mutual and do not need to sign the form or provide additional insurance. However, there are clear guidelines of what constitutes a “parish entity”. Generally, the parish has to have control of the group, both financial control and organizational control; lead by parish staff or Priest designated volunteers; must be open to all parishioners; and promote a mission of the church. Groups that do not fit the definition of a parish controlled group are required to sign the 3rd party agreement and provide proper insurance.
Please keep a file of these 3rd party documents for a period of time greater than a year, but less than 7 years from the event date. In the unlikely event of a claim made by the 3rd party, the parish may be asked for the signed Facility Usage Agreement and and insurance document.
For full definitions, insurance requirements and details, as well as the document itself, please see the Diocesan website, under Finance, Facility Usage Forms. For additional information or further assistance, including a cursory review of any related documents, please contact Parish Liaison Officer, Stephen Sycks.
Worcester Catholic Women's Conference
Register Now! All women are invited to this exciting Conference, “Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart”, to be held at St. Joseph School in Webster on Saturday, October 5. Hear dynamic talks from outstanding Catholic leaders, Fr. Carlos Martins, Pamela Acker, and Ester Munt Brooks. Diocesan and religious priests will hear confessions and there will be many interesting exhibitors. Bishop McManus will celebrate Mass. For more information and to register, visit our website at or call Corinn Dahm at 508-277-3969. Seating is limited, register today!TO: Pastors & Administrators
Department of Unemployment Letters & NoticesHere is the State DUA website: For additional information or further assistance, please contact Parish Liaison Officer, Stephen Sycks at Thank you.
Young Adult Prayer Group in Gardner
Join with other young adults age 18 - 35 and pray the St. Michael Chaplet!Greater Gardner Young Adult Group meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 7 pm at Annunciation Parish Center located just behind Holy Rosary Church in Gardner. For more information about this event and/or about the greater Gardner Young Adult Group, please reach out to Jonah Kattau at
Vigilance against Fraud
A parish shared with us how someone tried to redirect an employee's paycheck via an alternate direct deposit account. ALWAYS BE CIRCUMSPECT! Before even considering such a change, never act just from an email. Consider the following:Looking to offer a unique praise and worship concert?
Mary Verdi of Western Massachusetts has frequently presented concerts of inspirational music in New England and has been featured on Catholic TV and Reel to Real in September. You can learn more by viewing or visiting her website at She is looking for a parish in the Worcester Diocese which would be interested in hosting her. Contact her directly at 413-841-1140 or by email at to Chancery for Appointments - Protocol
The chancery remains closed to the public except for scheduled appointments. The front vestibule is OPEN during business hours and a phone is present to call your appointment to notify them of your arrival. If you are dropping off material for a department (e.g., Marriage Tribunal, Partners in Charity or Finance, please call that department to let them know. Phone messages will be checked regularly and we encourage parish staff to use the direct dial numbers for each department which are listed in the Diocesan Directory.
eCatholic tip: online payments and donations
The monthly fee to use eCatholic payments is waived for parishes in the diocese and transaction fees are as low as it gets in the industry. The site is very secure, and the money goes right into your parish bank account and you get a report letting you know! You can also use eCatholic Payments for one time or recurring payments and donations for offertory, religious education tuition and more! But, if you already have an online offertory platform you can use eCatholic Payments with their web forms alongside that platform for one time donations for events, etc. Questions: email anytime.
It is EASY to set up an event announcement and registration/ticket form on your eCatholic website. If you have not yet done so, contact them for an online account to accept credit cards via your site. Not only will it make it more convenient than “come to the rectory for tickets;” you can reach more people and plan better for your event. Costs are as low as it gets in the industry, the site is very secure, and the money goes right into your parish bank account and you get a report letting you know! PLUS you can then send everyone a link by Flocknote to go to the site with one click from their phone, tablet or computer and get the tickets, make the donation or at least be aware of the event details to share with family and friends. Let your Communications Ministry tools work for you! Contact Luke at if you need to get set up or to learn more.
Senior Fraud Hotline
RSVP’s Senior Fraud HelpLine is a toll-free resource for seniors and their families to call when they are concerned that they are being targeted by scammers. If they are in doubt, they should check it out by calling 1-800-297-9760. Confidential. Knowledgeable. Local. Supportive.
Volunteer To Help With Food Distribution In Our Food Pantry
Catholic Charities Emergency Stabilization Services located on Hammond Street in Worcester is looking for volunteers who might be able to assist them with distributing food in our food pantry. Volunteers must be available once a week from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm and be able to lift cases of food. Volunteer days: Monday - Friday. Thank you for your consideration. All help is much needed and appreciated! Contact: Maydeé Morales at 508-860-2206 or via e-mail to
The Worcester County Bar Association has a Reduced Fee Program where household income exceeds the requirements for free legal assistance but makes hiring an attorney unfeasible. You must be a Worcester County resident and legal services include bankruptcy, mortgage foreclosures, wills, divorces, custody and evictions. Call 800-622-9700 800-622-9700 for more information, indicating your interest in the Reduced Fee Program.
Have you ever had a desire to expand your knowledge of the faith in areas such as Scripture, Liturgy and Worship, Prayer and Spirituality, Sacraments, Creed, or Church History? Check out the on-line courses available to adults through our Diocesan Partnership Program with U Dayton and the Virtual Community for Faith Formation. You can receive a substantial discount while learning in your own space during your personal hours of availability. If you have any questions, please call Barbara Ramian at 508-929-4308.
Hurting from a past abortion? We can help. Project Rachel is the Catholic Church’s ministry of healing and reconciliation to those who have been wounded by abortion. Our services are free and strictly confidential. Call Project Rachel at (508) 791-HOPE.
There is an alternative to artificial methods of birth control and IVF. Learn about The Creighton Model System of FertilityCare, the reproductive science that is 99% effective to avoid pregnancy, highly effective to achieve pregnancy and offers couples who are experiencing infertility hope to achieve their dream of pregnancy without artificial reproductive technologies. This is accomplished while following the teachings of the church. To learn more about the program contact Barbara Meier, RN, FertilityCare Practitioner at 609-457-0108 609-457-0108 or
Did you know you can donate your car, truck, motorcycle or boat to Catholic Charities and help us help your Worcester County neighbors? It’s quick and easy to do. Just visit our website to donate your vehicle online or call 1-888-CAR-7308 1-888-CAR-7308 to arrange a convenient pickup time and confirmation of your donation from Catholic Charities Donation Angel Program. The car in your driveway can help us to continue to offer many services to children, families and elders in our community so that they may regain home for a brighter future. Thank you!
Employees or Independent Contractors?
The Office of the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has issued new guidance on the classification of hired personnel as employees or independent contractors. Hired personnel are considered employees unless: (1) the individual is free from the employers direction and control in connection with the performance of the service, both under his or her contract for the performance of service and in fact; (2) the service the individual performs is outside the usual course of business of the employer; and (3) the individual is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business of the same nature as that involved in the service performed.