Today we begin our five-week stewardship renewal program, Sharing Our Blessings 2018. Each week you will receive a Sunday reflection that focuses on some aspect of stewardship. Set aside 10-20 minutes on Sunday to read the scriptures, reflect on them, and pray with them. Every Wednesday you will receive an action item via Flocknote that encourages you to act as a grateful steward of the gifts God has given you.
Reflection 1: Read
Genesis 1 in its entirety. Note how the earth was “without form or shape” until God brought it into being. The word “good” is repeated seven times, the last time in the phrase “very good.” What command does God give to man and woman? Where does their responsibility as stewards of the earth come from?
Reflection 2: Read
Deuteronomy 8:7-18. What must the Israelites continue to do, even as they prosper? If they do not do these things, what will happen? Ultimately, we learn in verse 18 that the power to create abundance for ourselves comes from God, the one who always keeps his promises and fulfills his oaths. Have you been faithful in your covenant with God? How have you chosen to put your personal abundance (your time, talents, and treasure) to use?
Reflection 3: Read
Psalm 24 in its entirety. Note how God is described as the “king of glory,” who holds dominion over the earth and everything in it. Who is allowed to approach God in this Psalm? What does the Psalmist mean when he describes “useless things” as filling one’s soul? What are the “useless things” that inhabit your life? Are they preventing you from stewarding the gifts God gave you? In what way?
Week 1 - Action Item
This is the first of five action items for Sharing Our Blessings 2018. Once you have completed the Sunday reflection, take the stewardship assessment below: (note that only you know the answers to these questions!)
Consider the last 12 months. Outside of attending Mass, how much time on average do you spend in a week serving on behalf of the parish, participating in parish life, or helping those in need? (Note this includes volunteering, Adoration, attending events, etc.)
0 hours
1-2 hours
3-4 hours
5+ hours
What particular talents, skills, or expertise do you possess that could be of assistance in parish life? Consider items such as public speaking, a desire to help those in need, or professional experiences (e.g. accounting, nursing, carpentry) that could be utilized. Now write those down.
Consider your finances and income. On an annual basis, what percentage of your income goes to charitable causes?
11% or more
Of your charitable annual giving, what portion do you give to the parish?
45-60% or more
Looking back on these questions and your answers, where are you doing well in your stewardship of God’s gifts? What are areas for improvement?