The Diaconate, also called Permanent Diaconate, is an ordained ministry within the Catholic Church conferred by the Bishop through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. It was restored in 1968 by the Bishops in the United States following a reestablishment of the Order by Vatican Council II the previous year. For centuries prior to that time, the Order of Deacon had been reserved to a temporary status on the road to priesthood, also known as the order of presbyter.
Diaconate comes from the Greek word diakonia, or service. Since all Catholics are called by Baptism to be of service to their brothers and sisters, why have an ordained ministry of service? Though this is a very complex question, which has generated much discussion, two important points must be stressed. Service to the community is the primary role of the deacon and by bearing witness to the ministry of service in a parish, he assists the whole community in becoming more aware of that aspect of their faith. Secondly, the order of deacon sacramentalizes service. The deacon as an ordained servant of the community is more than a functionary but bears witness to that aspect of Jesus and his ministry in apostolic times.
Permanent deacons are clerics who can perform all of the functions associated with their order. These include proclaiming the Gospel, preaching the homily, assisting the priest at Mass, administering the sacrament of Baptism, distributing Communion, presiding over funeral and burial services, acting as the official witness at weddings and exercising certain ecclesiastical offices. As servants of the Church, they also take on charitable or administrative duties.
Liturgical functions represent only a part of how a deacon's ministry is carried out in a parish. In many parishes, the deacon is responsible for the baptismal preparation program for parents and administers the sacrament as part of that faith journey with the family and the child being baptized.
Single and married men can be ordained deacons. Deacons take a vow of celibacy if they are ordained while single or if their wife dies. They go through a training period of four and one-half years in theology, scripture, canon law, spirituality, and pastoral ministry. In preparation for their ordination, they are formally received into the ministries of lector and acolyte. Once ordained, he does not receive financial compensation for being a deacon, though the deacon may work in positions which receive compensation.
2022 Statistics
There are currently 63 active permanent deacons serving in our parishes and other ministries. The Diocese of Worcester also has nine deacons serving outside the diocese and forty-one deacons that have retired from active ministry. Six men are presently enrolled in the Diaconate program of study and formation.
According to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), there are an estimated 20,888 Latin Rite permanent deacons in the United States, of which about 70% are in active ministry. Like their brother priests, each is incardinated or officially tied to a diocese.
July 12, 2022