From ministering in Alaska and with the fur traders in the Pacific Northwest to southern Africa, from Japan to Latin America and the Amazon rain forest, and straight up through the heart of Europe, we saw global history unfold around us. We did more than survive, we thrived.
“Our liturgy this afternoon is the first in a series of events celebrating the arrival of the Sisters of Notre Dame in the Archdiocese of Boston 175 years ago, in 1849, and their subsequent journey ‘west’ here to Worcester,” Sister Patricia O’Brien, a member of the United States East-West Province’s leadership team, said in a welcome.
Robert F. Foley met with returning players after school on Tuesday to inform them that he had decided to retire after coaching high school basketball for 61 years, including the last 44 at St. John’s High School in Shrewsbury.
St. Bernadette School is dealing with financial difficulties caused by a drop in enrollment, but Father Ronald G. Falco, pastor at St. Bernadette Parish, remains optimistic about the future of the school.
Major services of the 23-year-old center were the after-school and summer programs for young people, and English as a second language classes for adults.
Holy Name of Jesus House of Studies at 51 Illinois St., where many seminarians have lived since 2007, is officially closing Aug. 31. The building is to be sold.
During the day on CSAW week, the group spends time at local agencies and organizations that help provide for individuals and families fighting food insecurity and homelessness.
Catholic ministry, supported by Partners in Charity, helped these Worcester Polytechnic Institute students find and strengthen their faith. Father Alfredo R. Porras, Catholic chaplain at WPI, said Partners pays his salary and provides money for hosts, wine, candles and the use of a diocesan building.
Surrounded by family and friends at Notre Dame Long Term Care and Rehabilitation Center in Worcester on Monday, Father Theodore R. Laperle celebrated his 100th birthday.
The parish is giving rooms in the former St. Stephen School building at 355 Grafton St., free of charge, to people who are reaching out to others in need.
YNIA projects in Worcester enabled the Northborough youth to see local needs and something bigger than themselves, as well as learn “you get more back in return when you give of yourself,” Mrs. Nichols said.
Perhaps most obvious is the change in name from “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults” (RCIA), which was used to refer both to the liturgical book of initiation rituals and the process it laid out. The new name is “Order of Christian Initiation of Adults” (OCIA).
Bishop McManus issued a statement on the appointment of the new archbishop of Boston. He said, "On behalf of the entire Diocese of Worcester, I offer prayers of gratitude today for the appointment by the Holy Father of Archbishop-elect Richard Henning as successor to Cardinal Sean O’Malley as the next Archbishop of Boston. Archbishop-elect Henning has demonstrated a strong commitment to the evangelizing mission of the Church, inviting people to know Christ’s love in their lives."
Sister Mary Paul Giordano, a member of the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy Community, entered into eternal rest on July 29 at Misericordia Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in York, Pennsylvania.
On behalf of the entire Diocese of Worcester, I offer prayers of gratitude today for the appointment by the Holy Father of Archbishop-elect Richard Henning as successor to Cardinal Sean O’Malley as the next Archbishop of Boston. Archbishop-elect Henning has demonstrated a strong commitment to the evangelizing mission of the Church, inviting people to know Christ’s love in their lives.MORE