"The parish is without doubt the most important focus in which the Christian community is formed and expressed."
(Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us, #117)
Members of the community must share a vision before an idea can become a reality. Recognizing the key roles of parish leadership, the Bishops have established four objectives for the pastor, pastoral leadership, the adult faith formation leader, the adult faith formation team and the catechists of adults.
The pastor and other pastoral leaders demonstrate a clear commitment to the practice of lifelong growth in Christian Faith.(#127)
Each parish designates an adult faith formation leader(s), authorized by the pastor and personally involved in ongoing formation. Once trained for the task, this leader(s) assumes primary responsibility for implementing the ministry of adult faith formation. (#135)
Note: The Collaborative for Education and Ministry in the Diocese of Worcester compiled survey of the current status of adult faith formation in the diocese. A compilation of this survey is available upon request.
Copyright 2001, 2008
Diocese of Worcester
Worcester, MA
Rev. 2