African Ministry is the coming together of members of the various African communities in the Diocese of Worcester. The Ministry aims to foster the unity of all African Catholics living in the greater Worcester Area around the figure of Christ and the Church. We promote our faith and the vibrancy of the innumerable cultural values present in the different communities. We hope to support the spiritual guidance, migration, and other areas of need for the members of our community.
The communities gather at four parishes in Worcester. Click on their names to learn more about each one.
Our Office is located at the Chancery Building, 49 Elm Street, Worcester, MA 01609
Office Hours:
Monday to Thurday 10:30 am - 5 pm
Friday 10:30 am - 3:30 pm
For any emergencies, sick calls, confessions or any information contact the Director and Chaplain of African Ministry Father Enoch Kyeremateng